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Pannónia Ösztöndíjprogram
Scholarship programmes

Christian Young People

Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People

About the programme

The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People was founded in 2017 by the Government of Hungary. 

The aim of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to help young Christian students – who live in crisis regions and are threatened because of their faith – by giving the opportunity to study in Hungary. 

The Programme is managed by the State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and the Hungary Helps Program, and since August 2020 it has been coordinated by the Hungary Helps Agency. 

Who can apply?

You can apply for the Programme, if: 

  • you are a full-age citizen 
  • you have the required language skills and qualification 
  • you have an official recommendation from a church listed in the Call for Applications 

More details about the Hungary Helps program


How to apply?

  • First please read the Call for Applications 
  • Ask the local church to provide you with an official recommendation 
  • Submit your application documents to the online application system of the Hungary Helps Agency by selecting the study programme of the University of Miskolc.
  • If your recommendation of church is validated and you are nominated for the scholarship, your application will be evaluated by the University of Miskolc 
  • Final decision is made by the Minister of Education.
Documents related to the student status
Other documents specific for the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People

Practical information

There are quite a few administrative tasks and processes you have to fulfil and undergo before– and after your arrival. In all cases, your assigned mentor student as well as the IRO officers will assist you in your tasks. In order to smoothly manage your administrative duties it is highly recommended to participate in theOrientation Day, because all relevant administrative as well as some academic issueswhich you will face and which you have to manage during your staywill be discussed and explained on this occasion. Arriving late, or staying away from the Orientation Day should be avoided. The date and place of the Orientation Day is available in the info Letter, which is an attachment of the Letter of Acceptance. 

Contact informations

Who should you contact regarding your questions related to administrative issues?

Mrs. Katalin Csiréné Gergely

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics;

Faculty of Arts;

Faculty of Law

Ms. Henriett Tóth

Faculty of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Engineering

Faculty of Economics;

Faculty of Materials and Chemical Engineering
