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Success stories

Okhunjon Sayfidinov

Okhunjon Sayfidinov
Okhunjon Sayfidinov


Okhunjon Sayfidinov



Currently based on

United States 


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics 

Study programme

Mechanical Engineering PhD

Level of study


Name of your supervisor

Gabriella Vadasné Bognár

Year of graduation



University of Pittsburgh

Current job title

Visiting researcher

Job description

Conducting research in Material Science

Current industry


What have been some of your most significant professional achievements since graduating from the University of Miskolc?

I have received grants from American Councils and am currently holding the position of Head of Graduate School.

Can you share any particular skills, insights, or professional network from the University of Miskolc that directly contributed to your career achievements?

Conducting research.

Did you complete any internships while studying at the University of Miskolc? If so, could you describe the role and how it helped you prepare for your career?


What resources or strategies or tips would you recommend to students looking for internships?

Be eager to learn.

Looking back, how do you feel your education at the University of Miskolc contributed to your readiness for the workforce?

Most significantly.

Looking ahead, what are some goals or milestones you hope to achieve in the next phase of your career?

To become a well-known researcher.