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You have to apply for a student VISA in your home country as soon as possible. EU citizens need no VISA. Nothing can be done once you are in Hungary. When applying for a VISA you need the following documents issued by the university:

State Scholarship Holder Degree Students

Fee-paying Degree Students

Exchange (ERASMUS) Students Outside EU

Letter of Acceptance by UM



Final Letter of Admission by UM


Letter of Award by TPF


Please consult the Embassy/ Consulate for details. 

Letter of Acceptance / Final Letter of Admission 

It is issued by the University of Miskolc and sent to you via e-mail or can be downloaded from the DreamApply platform. It confirms your acceptance to study at the University of Miskolc and states your accommodation in one of the UM dormitories on campus. If you do not have this document, please let us know ASAP. 

Letter of Award  

It can be downloaded from the DreamApply platform. It confirms that you are a scholarship holder and lists the allowances you are entitled to.