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Pál Veres

Member of the Board of Trustees

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Pál Veres, Member of the Board of Trustees
Pál Veres
Member of the Board of Trustees


  • He was born in 1962, In Ózd.
  • He graduated from the Faculty of Science of Kossuth Lóránd University, Debrecen, in 1986 as a secondary school teacher specialised in mathematics, physics and computer science. In 2000, he also obtained a qualification in public education leadership at the Janus Pannonius University, Pécs. He holds a Master’s degree since 2015.
  • He started his career as a teacher in 1986 at the Ferenc Földes High School in Miskolc, where he was the head of the institution from 1997 to 2012 and from 2013 to 2019 (in between he was deputy headmaster).
  • He is regularly invited as a speaker to conferences, open universities and training courses.
  • He was to be a county mathematics adviser, is a national expert on the central secondary school mathematics written entrance examinations and the two-level school-leaving examination, and a member of the National Competition of Secondary Schools Committee.
  • 1999-2003: vice-president of the Education Section of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society, member of the Board of Trustees and member of the Education Committee.
  • Together with the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Miskolc, his institution regularly organised talent management events (European Youth Conference on Mathematics, talent management workshops, publications). From 2004 to 2008 he was a lecturer in analysis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc.
  • In 2003, together with the University of Miskolc and INNOCENTER KHT, we organised and launched the Digital High School, where he was a mathematics curriculum developer, subject tutor and consultant teacher.
  • He has been or is an active member, an important officer, an expert of several institutions, programmes and committees dealing with talent management and the development of disadvantaged youth and adults (e.g. National Competition of Secondary Schools, Education Section and Committee of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Arany János Talent Development Programme, Pál Erdős Mathematical Talent School, National Talent Programme, Supervisory Committee of the Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organisations, National Association of High Schools, etc.)
  • On 13 October 2019, he was elected Mayor of the City of Miskolc.
  • Member of the Hungarian Olympic Committee since 2022.
  • Since 2021, the is member of the Board of Trustees of Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation, at the University of Miskolc.
  • He was involved in the compilation of the experimental six-grade curriculum of the Ferenc Földes High School.
  • He is a frequent jury member at national and international competitions.
  • He is regularly invited as a speaker at conferences, open universities and training courses.
  • 1995-1997: County adviser in mathematics (tasks: professional and methodological advice to all secondary education institutions in the county and the city, professional and methodological training of teachers).
  • He also proofread curricula on behalf of the Pedagogical Institute
  • Since 1995, he has been on the national list of examiners and has regularly acted as exam chairman.
  • From 1 April 1997 he has been acting principal and from 1 October 1997 he has been appointed principal of the Földes Ferenc Secondary Grammar School in Miskolc. On 30 November 1997, he was included in the national register of experts in the fields of mathematics education and educational administration.
  • Since 2000, he has been a national expert for the written entrance examinations for secondary school in mathematics and the two-level school-leaving examination, and he is member of the Committee for Mathematics I. of the national competition for secondary schools.
  • 1999-2003: vice-president of the Education Section of the János Bolyai Mathematical Society, member of the Board of Trustees and member of the Education Committee.
  • Participated in the organisation and hosting of the László Rátz Mathematics Meeting in Miskolc in 2001, as main organiser.
  • Organised and hosted the International Hungarian Mathematics Contest in Miskolc in 2005 and 2023, of which he was the main organiser.
  • Together with the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Miskolc, his institution regularly organised talent management events (European Youth Conference on Mathematics, talent management workshops, publications).
  • 2004-2008: He was a lecturer in analysis at the Faculty of Economics, University of Miskolc.
  • He was a member of the Hungarian Accreditation Commission in the Teacher Training Committee and the Mathematics and Informatics Committee.
  • In 2003, together with the University of Miskolc and INNOCENTER KHT, we organised and launched the Digital High School, where he was a mathematics curriculum developer, subject tutor and consultant teacher. The Digital High School creates a modern form of adult education in high schools for disadvantaged adults in the region, which is unique nationally and even internationally. He is one of the inventors and developers of the training format.
  • As the founding director of the OM-supported Arany János Talent Development Programme, he was one of the leaders and active participants in the talent development of disadvantaged pupils. The institutions of the Arany János Talent Development Programme formed an association, which he chaired from its formation in 2001 until 2019. He was a member of the Arany János Talent Development Programme’s Professional Advisory Board.
  • As President of the Association of Institutions of the Arany János Talent Development Programme until 2017, he represented the Association in the Hungarian Talent Council and the Association of Talent Development Organisations, which delegated him to the National Talent Coordination Forum in 2010. He had to step down as President due to a conflict of interest arising from his other responsibilities, but he continue to actively support the work of Association of Institutions of the Arany János Talent Development Programme.
  • He teaches at the Erdős Pál School for Gifted and Talented Mathematics, where they teach talented students from all over the country.
  • As an expert, he has been involved in the National Talent Programme (working committee, accreditation of talent centres). He is the chairman of the Supervisory Board of MATEHETSZ (Association of Hungarian Talent Support Organisations).
  • He was a member of the board of the National Association of Secondary Schools.
  • He participated as a trainer and expert in the national projects TÁMOP 3.1.5. and TÁMOP 3.1.8. He trained and examined future supervisors and certification experts. He was a member of the expert advisory board alongside the research team developing the innovative Master Teacher and Research Teacher certification process between 2015 and 2016.
  • He is a supervisor and certification expert. He became a Master Teacher on 1 January 2015.
  • He was a national delegate to the National Council of Teachers, he served as President of the National Council of School Leaders until 2017, and in 2016 he was elected as a member of the Board of the National Council of School Leaders until 2019.
  • In 2017, the National Faculty of Education delegated him to the National Council for Public Education. He also served in two work committees of the National Council (Committee for the Analysis of the Educational Environment and Committee for the Development of Content).
  • He participated in the work of the National Round Table on Public Education as a delegate of the National Council for Public Education, and he was also a member of the Content Development Working Committee. After the transformation of the Round Table, the National Council for Public Education delegated him to the work group of Teacher Employment within the Round Table on Educational Strategy.
  • He is a member of the Beke Manó, Ericsson and Professor Rátz Lifetime Achievement Awards Committees.
  • He was a member of the Klebelsberg Centre’s Presidential Advisory Board between 2017 and 2019.
  • In 2017, he was a member of the working committee set up by the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences to develop ways to improve the effectiveness of mathematics education.
  • He has been Chair of the Human Services Committee of the Association of Cities with County Rights since 2019.
  • Since 2021, he has been a member of the Board of Trustees of Universitas Miskolcinensis Foundation, maintainer of the University of Miskolc.
  • He is a member of the Hungarian Olympic Committee since 2022.
  • In 2002 he was awarded the Graphisoft Prize and the Beke Manó Prize.
  • In 2009 he I was awarded the “For Talents” award by the Hungarian Talent Development Society.
  • He was awarded the Faculty Medal of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics of the University of Miskolc in 2009.
  • In 2015, he received the PRO TALENTO award.
  • In 2018, he received the Bonis Bona Award.